Friends of the Family Unleashed

September 30, 2008

So far I’ve kept pretty closely to music here at Stereocache.  Even my movie review is a music documentary.  Most people coming to this site want music news, reviews etc. but I’m drunk with power at the moment and all hopped up on rootbeer barrels and delerious from a lack of sleep so I’m going to veer away a little bit and go into the pop culture realm that I always new this site could encompass.

Something funny is afoot in the heart of L.A. (and via the internet, the world) Los Angeles comedy trio Friends of the Family launched their brand new site Sunday and this thing comes fully stocked.  Each video shows off a different aspect of their skills from improvised absurdity in “Challenging The Peerless Bartender” to unexpected turns in skits that I won’t tell you about so you can experience the fun for yourselves.

When you’ve watched and rewatched those videos you might be thinking “well damn, what should I do now?  go to work?  get a job?  move out of my mom’s house?”  NO! there are more pages.  Nick, Alec and Greg maintain the site like a personal blog too so there are funny posts either sampling the delicacies of internet humor up to us or just spewing their own funny thoughts out onto the page like a momma bird throwing up some worms into a screaming baby bird’s mouth.  Yum.